Isha Niketan

100 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

Our Yoga Teacher Training Course In Rishikesh

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Look within and you will find the greatest love

100 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh, India

A synopsis of your transformative full-length yoga teacher training program in India:

Pranayama (breathing exercises), Kriyas (exercise series), Asanas (postures), mudras (gestures), and mantras (holy sounds) are some of the techniques used in Kundalini yoga. The prestigious Isha Niketan Yoga School in Rishikesh promotes a methodical and gradual Kundalini activation to provide you the tools you need for spiritual development! Come explore a whole new world of opportunities with us today. Activate, balance, and strengthen your chakras. Discover the hidden realm of boundless energy concealed within by enrolling in our unique 100-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training course.

You are the only one who can fulfill you; contentment comes from within.

Does Isha Niketan Yoga School provide a 100-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training course?

It is possible for you to have a life-changing yoga education at Isha Niketan Yoga School. It is in this conducive atmosphere of natural happiness that you will experience the ultimate yoga practice.When you begin to radiate love and tranquility, a 100-hour Kundalini YTT in Rishikesh lets you encounter the new
version of your renewing personality.

Together with its affiliates, the Yoga Alliance has approved the whole curriculum. Through the comprehensive training, the knowledgeable instructors of the Isha Niketan Yoga School, led by Guru Divyanand, impart their understanding of ancient yoga and Vedic practices. Through yoga, Isha Niketan Yoga School teaches you to the essence of life. Nestled in the delicate calm of the Himalayan Hills, this world-renowned yoga city is among the most revered and traditional yoga institutes.

The goal of this 100-hour Kundalini Yoga teacher training course is to help you navigate the path of yoga. It is among the greatest methods to become a certified yoga instructor and have a thorough grasp of yoga techniques. The finest course to start your journey towards being a driven yoga instructor is a 100-hour Kundalini Yoga teacher training program. The goal of this Yoga Alliance-registered course is to help prospective yoga instructors become more knowledgeable about yoga and meditation.

They make sure students obtain full attention in class, proper help in utilizing props and freedom to work at their speed.

The Divine has given you life; cherish it.

Why Rishikesh for Yoga and a Synopsis of the Course

Why Rishikesh for Yoga and a Synopsis of the Course

The Divine has given you life; cherish it.

Nestled inside the Himalayas, Northern India is home to Rishikesh, which is traversed by the sacred Ganges river. This little city has grown incredibly popular and is now regarded as one of the world’s top yoga destinations. Is there anything more wonderful than practicing yoga and relaxing on the Ganges Riverbank?

Rishikesh possess awe-inspiring divine energy!

Due to the amazing ambiance, refreshing wind, and tranquil surroundings, taking a yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh might be among the most fulfilling experiences. Come to Rishikesh, a stunning location, for in-depth yoga teacher training. Learn at the homes of many historical kings and sages for a month, immersing yourself in real Indian culture.

Kundalini Manipura Chakra Kriya Class | Isha Niketan Yoga School

Isha Niketan Yoga School’s Kundalini Svadhishthana Chakra Kriya Class

Isha Niketan Yoga School: How to Arrange a Kundalini Yoga Class

Kundalini Yoga’s Conventional Teaching Methods – Isha Niketan Yoga School

Why Is Our School Particularly Different?

Why Isha Niketan Yoga School

Why Isha Niketan Yoga School

Why Isha Niketan Yoga School for the 100-Hour Kundalini YTTC?

Why Are We Different?

To love oneself first is the greatest virtue in life.

Curriculum for 100 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course

Rise above the ignorance and oblivion

Daily Schedule for 100 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh India

Every course is essential to your development. Living well at our school and according to the timetable will teach you so much more than only what you learn from your professors and books. Even if you may follow different routines in your daily life, if you give the program your complete attention, you will have a better chance of making the changes you ultimately want to see. The world will begin to appear to you through fresh eyes.

Every class is required. You may only take a leave of absence with the respected teachers’ consent in the event of an emergency or illness. Uninformed leaves will not be approved, which will have an impact on the monthly performance of the student.

05:00 AM - 06:00 AM 06:15 AM - 07:15 AM 07:30 AM - 09:00 AM 09:00 AM - 09:45 AM 10:45 AM - 11:45 PM 12:00 AM - 01:00 PM
Kundalini Sadhana
Kundalini Pranayama & Meditation
Kundalini Theory & Yoga
Yoga Anatomy
Yoga Alignment & Adjustment/ Teaching Methodology
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM 02:00 PM - 03:30 PM 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM 07:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Self Study
Kundalini Philosophy
Classical Hatha Yoga
Ganga Beach Meditation(Self)

The schedule and times may vary depending on the weather and season.

Be calm at all times without fail or you will fail

Eligible For RYT-200 Certification & Yoga Alliance

An international support network for yoga schools worldwide is called Yoga Alliance. It assists instructors in teaching yoga as well as all students. More than 25,000 yoga instructors and yoga schools that fulfill internationally recognized training requirements are listed in the Yoga Alliance directory.

The Isha Niketan Yoga School is accredited by the Yoga Alliance. A completion certification from RYS is awarded to all yoga instructors who have completed a certain standard of yoga teacher training, such as a 200-hour yoga teacher training program in Rishikesh, a 300-hour yoga teacher training course, or a 500-hour yoga teacher training course. With RYT-200 or RYT-500 certification, they are then eligible to register with the Yoga Alliance as yoga teachers.

Your expertise, experience, and training can be internationally recognized with the RYT 200 certification. People are at ease employing you since they are aware that your experience and education align with the Alliance’s requirements.

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