Isha Niketan

Food & Accommodation

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Accommodation at Isha Niketan Rishikesh

Students at Isha Niketan Rishikesh can stay in cozy accommodations in a calm and beautiful setting. There are eight rooms in the ashram overall, and each one is furnished with all the conveniences one might want, like air conditioning, attached patios, private bathrooms, and other standard features. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep are all crucial components of overall wellbeing, which is undoubtedly our most valued possession. While you study yoga with us, we tend to all of them. Your lodging will have all the conveniences that are need. There are shared double rooms and single rooms available. Every room has a bathroom attached. The restrooms have showers and toilet seats that are typical of the West. During the winter, hot water is also made available. Your comfort is maintained and the ideal environment for learning

Food at Isha Niketan Rishikesh

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