Isha Niketan


Word Goshala is a Sanskrit name (Go = Cow and Shala = Shelter) Go+Shala = Shelter for Cows

India’s first goshala is thought to have been established in Rewari by Raja Rao Yudhishter Singh Yadav. There are now goshalas all over India.

Why we need goshala?

Medical Benefits:  Cow urine series for medical and beauty purposes. Selling this out turns into the alternative supply of Gaushala income.

 Milk Production:Although milk manufacturing is our subsidiary goal, if we produce enough, it’ll upload extra to make the Gaushala self-sustaining.

*The Main purpose of goshala is to provide them a shelters and come take care of them.

Tharpurkar @ Isha Niketan

Tharparkar (named after the Thar Desert in Rajasthan) is a dual purpose and disease resistant cattle breed. The breed is also known as “White Sindhi”, “Grey Sindhi” and “Thari” as per the place of its actual origin (Sind, Pakistan). The breeding tract of the breed includes Kutchchh district of Gujarat and Barmer, Jaisalmer and Jodhpur districts of Rajasthan.

The breed is medium sized compact with white and light grey coloured coat. Face and extremities are darker than rest of the body. In bulls neck, hump, and fore and hind quarters are also dark. The colour gets darker during winter.

The animals can thrive well on small bushy vegetation (Sewan grass) during drought and fodder scarcity condition and produce reasonabe amount of milk with an average yield of 1749 kilo grams per lactation (ranging from 913 to 2147 Kg per lactation). Good animals with high nutrition have produced even higher than 3000 litre per lactation in farm condition.

The males are also good for drought purpose. Due to better heat tolerance and disease resistance, this breed was used for producing “Karan Fries” breed – a synthetic crossbred cattle breed at National Dairy Research institute (NDRI)

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"In the journey with Isha Niketan. I have actually seen desires been converted in to realty. It's a great Privileged to be a Part of Isha Niketan, The Philanthropic work creates a great Influence on Society and Changing Minds of people for a brighter future of the Underprivileged children's.

Ankit Tyagi Muzaffar Nagar

"I'm fortunate to have been part of Isha Niketan and really happy to see outstanding work done by them. It is a best way to stay connected with strangers. Everyone live their life for themselves, their family, friends and relatives but life is complete if we live for others too."

Saniya Menan New Delhi

"I am very pleased to say that my experience of associating with Isha Niketan has been excellent and I feel it is a privilege too. My appreciation for the excellent work Isha Niketan is carrying out in uplifting under- privileged children. By providing opportunities to needy children, Isha Niketan is investing in a better future for India, since children are the future.

David Warner Gurugram
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